A downloadable game

This is currently a beta build, and will be revised and updated in the coming weeks. We know there are a lot of bugs and missing features, but all feedback is still appreciated

Hei ho


Delve into a world that has forgotten about the tales of old, where the old dwarven kingdoms has decided to figure out which kingdom is the best with a competition. Now its up to you and the other 3 champions to compete for your kingdom.  With an old forge and your tools, not to mention your expert craftsmanship, you start making the winning sword as fast as possible with the best quality you can muster.

Gameplay Description

In the game you mine ores, smelt them and then combine them in the right combination, which you get an ingot. Hammer it into shape, either a handle or a blade and put them together. When the sword is done you deliver it to the minecart that shows up every now and then. Throughout all these actions you get point based on what you do, and when you deliver the sword you get a lot of points and a winner is declared when the first player gets 500 points. 

In order to play this early prototype, you will need:

- A PC

- 2-4 controllers (Xbox)

This game was developed as a part of my/our education at Danvik Folkehøgskole - https://www.danvikfhs.no/linjer/spill-og-entreprenørskap

Made possible with the help of our teachers:

Stein Ciro Llanos Ytre
Mattis Delerud


4TF.zip 69 MB

Install instructions

Step 1: Download the Zip file.
Step 2: Unzip the file.

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